Filler in the cheeks and midface can help provide structure to the face and help bring support to other areas of the face.

It is the first area to lose volume from your late 20s and this can contribute to heaviness in the lower face, under eye area and nose to mouth lines. The cheeks are an incredibly important structure and we recommend this is the first area to target if you have had volume loss here


If you are considering this treatment it’s always best to book in for a consultation so we can assess your full face and recommend the best treatment option for you.

Cheeks and midface are interchangeable terms.

Depending on the patient’s needs we may either just do treatment on the sides of the cheeks where the ‘zygoma’ bone is or also target the area under the eye area where the ‘maxilla’ bone is.

DURATION – 30 Mins
RESULTS – 12-18 Months
NO. OF SESSIONS – 1Monthly
DOWNTIME – Very minimal


We send a thorough aftercare email to all our patients but please find a summary below.


Get some Arnica tablets from any pharmacy, this helps with bruising and swelling. Please do not wear make-up for 4 hours after treatment. In the evening of the treatment, you may gently wash your face and use your regular wash and lotions. Please skip any retinols or acids for the first night. Remain upright either sitting or standing for as long as possible and sleep with 3 pillows at night whilst there is swelling and oedema present. Do not sleep with pressure on the face and try to sleep on your back for 1 week.

If you are uncomfortable with the swelling, please take Loratadine/Cetirizine (normally used for hayfever) to help decrease this. If there is excessive swelling you may contact the clinic to obtain a prescription for steroids to help resolve your inflammation more quickly; prescriptions drugs are not appropriate if the degree is swelling is within normal parameters. Aside from this, there is, unfortunately, no quicker way to resolve swelling as it is a normal bodily reaction to trauma. Wash your face very carefully, applying no pressure to areas treated for 4 weeks.

  • No strenuous exercise or gardening for at least 1 week.
  • Do not massage the area treated for the first 4 weeks following treatment.
  • No facials or waxing for the first 2 weeks.
  • Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen or other anti-inflammatory medication for 24 hours after treatment as this may increase bruising. You may take paracetamol or codeine if you are uncomfortable.
  • Do not consume alcohol for 24 hours after receiving treatment. This increases the risk of bruising
  • Do not have a sauna, hot tub or go in a tanning booth for 2 weeks after treatment.
  • Do not have radiofrequency, IPL, laser or any other heat treatments near the treated area for 2 weeks.